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Fertile soils and artisans fed the weekly mart.

In ancient Black Castle’s shadow; the kirk, its heart.

North Sea in the distance but firmly on the ground.

Hid among the Lammermuirs, Oldhamstocks will be found.

Oldhamstocks is a small village on the edge of the county of East Lothian. 

The purpose of this website is to keep the local community and anyone else who is interested, up to date with all things Oldhamstocks!

Thanks to Graeme and Nicky Munro and Simpson & Marwick for the above drone photo

Mercat Cross - a popular meeting place

This picture below shows the church and is taken looking east from the Haystall Hill.

Oldhamstocks is set in beautiful countryside

Pic: Jennifer McCreath

Most buildings date back to the 18th or 19th Century

Pic: Gordon Simpson

Aurora Borealis 10th May 2024 

Pic: Sharon Simpson

Some comments we have received about the website:-

“I think the Oldhamstocks website is incredible!”

“I have to confess to a brief visit to the village. The website was so interesting, I had to go and see for myself!”

“What a great website.”

“Thank you very much for information and photograph from the gravestones page.”

“Your updates were the only constant throughout COVID.”

“What a great job you do!”

Farming has always been important to the village

Pic: Lynsey Brunton

Daybreak over the village

Pic: Linda Amos

Friendly locals 

Pic: Kirsty Docker

The picture below is looking north from Woollands Hill

© 2023 OldhamstocksVillage. All rights reserved.